What they say about Pete

Pete is an emotionally intelligent person and has strong sense of awareness about himself and others. His balance of strong and gentle give him good flexibility to deal with different people and different challenges. He is a very dedicated learner and will study hard to ensure that he knows what he is doing for his clients. Engaging. Empowering. Enabling. Agility. Resilience. Mark Fitzmaurice, Dale Carnegie

I've known Pete …. as we have studied intensively together to become Dale Carnegie trainers. Over this time, Pete has proved to be a trustworthy trainer with high integrity. His dedication to continuously improving his knowledge and skills, so he can help others is impressive. Susannah Brade-Waring Management Development Specialist

It is my pleasure to recommend Peter Sutton. Peter's ability to think pragmatically, build deep rapport with team-mates and willingness to be open to learning new things - and actually apply the learning in the real-world is refreshing. It's these kinds of deeply human qualities and attributes that I admire in Pete. Scott Watson, Founder, Summit Training

Pete is an extremely motivating person to work with and I thoroughly enjoyed working with him for over four years. Pete is highly skilled in a vast number of areas including the design and development of products and services. He excels at leading and developing teams, provides interesting and innovative approaches to demonstrating products and is very much a people person. Jon Rhodes Co-founder & Project Director at Paper

I worked with Pete when part of his role was to develop graduates entering IBM. He is a hugely intelligent and knowledgable man, and when this is coupled with his quick humour, he provides an excellent environment in which people can learn. He has keen insight and is quick to get to the root cause of a situation. Plus he likes rock climbing, which is always a good thing in my book! Miles Peacock Director at Enthios Training & Development Ltd


Pete is one of those people every organisation needs and I really loved working with him at Ufi/learndirect. He is committed, caring, creative and honest. He is also brilliant at handling relationships and stakeholders and he has a great sense of humour too. Dr. Ann Limb CBE DL FRSA FCGI FCFE Chair London Stansted Cambridge Consortium-the UK’s Innovation Corridor

Having tendered for work with Ufi/learndirect, I found Pete to be extremely professional, knowledgeable and gracious. I continue to liaise with Pete with a view to establishing a close working relationship between our respective organisations. Edmund Monk FLPI CEO - The Learning and Performance Institute

Pete managed the tendering process for a major contract for which I submitted a proposal. Despite the fact that my proposal was not successful, the interview & presentation process was an informative and enjoyable process. The subsequent feedback was instructive, candid and illuminating and we have subsequently maintained contacts with a view to exploring other possible collaborative ventures. Dick Willis Director at CNR Ltd

Have worked with Pete for some years and found him a great breath of fresh air. He brings commercial realism to the arena and always adds great value to customers. He also has this rare gift of getting to the heart of an issue and then focusing on what matters. Tim Little Business Mentor & IIP Practitioner

Pete, I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you – this is a genuine and sincere thanks, I really do believe you have awoken a drive and a want in me, and this you have done by not just delivering the course content but by being an extremely good tutor.  I have never come across a tutor (and I have done a lot of training in my RAF days) that can engage with a full room of people, there was a want and a need to get as much information out of you as opposed to the normal clock watching and not really having time to listen. Kindest regards M McCurdie 

Hi Pete, Survey completed…Once again thanks for your time and the delivery of a great course. FYI – I have contacted (training manager from Nissan NMUK) and mentioned the professionalism of yourself during the 2 day period and how good the course content is. G Potts


Claire, Just to say I attended this course last week – it was one of the best courses I have attended with NMUK – please thank the presenter, Pete Team Supervisor, Nissan

Morning Pete, I have just completed your short survey  I’d just like to reiterate the comments said on Wednesday the delivery of the course was excellent . You were very engaging and managed to keep our attention for the full duration of the course…… I Bruce

Thanks again Pete, this was the best course I have done during my 19 years at NMUK (and that’s a lot of courses!!!) A Sansom

Peter, Just a quick note to say thank you for a very engaging and informative two days.  The course will help my transition from military to civilian employment all that more easy.  I’ll use my pen with pride. Kind Regards Dave P 

Morning all, Firstly, Pete survey all completed. Thank you for your wonderful coaching and for making the two days so worthwhile, enjoyable and for personally pushing me out of my comfort zone. Thanks again! Lauren

I personally found the training corroborated alot of what I have seen elsewhere whilst also giving insight into where I need to improve. The training gives a great foundation and skillset for me to develop my leadership skills. The trainer, Peter was excellent and really made the course what it was. Participant, Essar / EET Fuels


Very good, Pete was a fantastic and informative tutor who knows the core details well. The sessions would have had more impact if our SLT were also in attendance. Participant, Essar / EET Fuels


I think some of the credit should go towards yourself and your style of presentation, there was a lot of trepidation from the group going into the unknown, myself having done it 12 years ago I was like, Please no, not happy clappy again.

However your style was more relaxed, less American and it helped settle nerves quite early on, yet you still got the content through. And in all fairness we did laugh. G Pike, Encase


Pete has provided very insightful training session which has provoked interesting conversations in addition to learning new skills. Participant, Speedy


What they say about Elaine

Elaine is gifted in creating rapports with the participants and she has provided guidance to the participants throughout the training. Her amiable qualities have made her a trainer who is able to translate her trainer message to the floor effectively. I assure that Elaine is a trainer who could perform professional and credible trainings in any fields. Karin Li, Hong Kong


Elaine has the ability to build rapport with participants and engage them with her powerful communication skills through both speech and body gesture. When i took part in her training course in China, she had everyone's full attention and even the most difficult and unwilling participant became fully engaged and spoke highly of her in the end. I guess her friendly smile and open attitude for all kinds of inputs (there were some weird ones) makes a difference too! Eva Lo, Hong Kong


Elaine is a fantastic coach who helped me break through my self-limiting belief that “I wasn’t good enough”. Her wonderful, kind and calm manner put me at ease straight away. She was so intuitive and figured out the problem before I’d even realised what was causing me to feel the way I did. She reframed my issues so I could start seeing myself in a more positive light. I cannot recommend Elaine highly enough as a coach. Malvi Patel, United Kingdom


Durch ihre zügige und exakte Arbeitsweise erbrachte sie eine voll zufriedenstellende Leistung. Wir haben sie als eine ausdauernde und aussergewöhnlich belastbare Mitarbeiterin kennengelernt, die auch unter schwierigsten Arbeitsbedingungen alle Aufgaben bewältigte. Frau Elaine Lo verfügte über ein abgesichertes, erprobtes Fachwissen und löste durch dessen sichere Anwendung auch schwierige Aufgaben. Sie arbeitete mit anhaltendem Fleiss und mit unverkennbarer Freude sehr exakt, gründlich, äusserst gewissenhaft und sehr sorgfältig. Sie hatte oft gute Ideen, gab weiterführende Anregungen, ging alle Aufgaben tatkräftig an und handelte selbständig. Sie war immer pflichtbewusst, stets zuverlässig, äusserst vertrauenswürdig und jederzeit bereit, volle Verantwortung zu übernehmen. Frau Elaine Lo war äusserst sicher und bestimmt in ihrem Auftreten, hatte hervorragende Umgangsformen und zeigte ein gesundes Selbstvertrauen. Aufgrund ihres Entgegenkommens und ihrer Aufgeschlossenheit war sie bei den Kollegen und Kolleginnen uns insbesondere bei den Studenten und Studentinnen in höchstem Grade beliebt und geachtet. (Translation: Through her quick and precise work, Elaine delivered highly satisfactory performance. We have come to know her as a persistent and exceptionally resilient colleague, who coped with all tasks even under the most difficult working conditions. Elaine proved to be professional and that allowed her to solve difficult problems. With constant diligence and her distinctive positivity, she worked very accurately, thoroughly, extremely conscientiously and very carefully. She often had good ideas, made relevant suggestions, approached all tasks energetically and acted independently. She was always dutiful, reliable, extremely trustworthy and was always ready to accept full responsibility. Ms Elaine Lo appeared extremely secure and certain, had excellent manners and showed healthy self-confidence. Because of her goodwill and openness, she was loved and respected to the fullest by our colleagues und especially by our students.) Debby Yang, Switzerland


Elaine showed her strong passion to help the participants to grow. This passion helped her to engage the participants’ emotions and therefore ultimately helped them to achieve breakthrough. She is a powerful communicator with strong connection with the participants. Catherine Chai, Thailand


Elaine has the rare gift of empathy and kindness; the ability to put herself into other people's position and see their side of things. As a coach, this is an invaluable asset, enabling her to motivate each of her clients from a different angle and engage with them according to their own personal needs. Maria Sommerhalder, Switzerland


I would like to take the chance to THANK YOU! This journey would not have been possible without you. You made every session such a joy to be part of and you provided a safe space for us to be vulnerable. I could not have thought of a better facilitator. Thank you for being you! Lakshana Mohee


Thank you, Elaine. You were amazing! Honestly, I don't think I've ever been pushed out my comfort zone as far as you made me go, and I think this would resonate with the rest of the class too. Thanks for being our mentor! Vishal Sharma


Thank you both very much! Your enthusiasm and passion for the training has turned this from something I was not (if I'm honest) completely sold on before I started, into something that I have really looked forward to each week. It has been a pleasure to share these experiences with you and the other trainees. Mike Petit


Thanks for the connection, most of all thank you for the last three days, your delivery and engagement was inspiring, sometimes these courses that take you away from your comfort zone or work place can have the opposite effect, this was not the case! Your delivery and engagement was incredible […] You kept me / us relevant and aware until the end, I learnt lots from you so thank you for that. Dave Barlow


Elaine was really engaging and authentic in the way that she delivered and ensured engagement and participation from all colleagues attending. Participant, Essar / EET Fuels


Very good course, insightful and helpful to developing my leadership skills in my team. Elaine was an excellent course leader, very clear in conveying the messages and principles behind them. Participant, Essar / EET Fuels


Elaine was a very knowledgable and engaging trainer. I learnt loads from her and the opportunities she gave for practice and questions were so valuable. Elaine understands people and gave great personal feedback- thank you for a great learning experience. Participant, B&FC


Really enjoyed the last 3 days. Elaine has been amazing and has really instilled confidence into each & every one of us. She really has a passion for running these courses and it shows in her delivery & interaction with everybody on the course. Training Participant


Excellent Inspirational Great refresher True to life (in an ever changing world) Lead by a very inspiring leader in Elaine Lo, superb delivery, great pace and delivered with enthusiasm and style, lovely lady. Training Participant


It was great 3 days, very informative. Elaine is a lovely person and lead the course very well - letting everyone voice their opinion, encouraging us to participate and giving positive feedback to make us more comfortable with challenges. There was a lot of practical tasks, which put us out of our comfort zone and helped us grow. This course definitely gave me a lot of ideas how to improve myself as a leader. Training Participant


Great course which mainly became great because Elaine 1. created a wonderful environment of psychological safety and collaboration (she is an outstanding facilitator) and 2. intervened with such a high level of professionalism that it became clear already from her little comments between the blocks that she has so much more to offer and has a real holistic picture of leadership and self management. Training Participant


I would highly recommend everyone to take out time to do this course. Elaine Lo, the trainer, is absolutely amazing. She made everyone feel very comfortable and created a very safe and inclusive environment. Her energy is contagious. I found the course helpful because of her! Cannot recommend her enough! Training Participant


Elaine was very energetic and very inclusive with everyone. I honestly can’t think of how it could have been better. Training Participant


Elaine is a great teacher and a credit to the programme, she made me believe that anything is possible, the course has taught me self reflection and how to interact with other people effectively, keep up the good work Elaine! Personally i don't think there are any other improvements which can be made. Participant, Vertu Motors


The course was really enjoyable, and was lead by the fantastic Elaine. She was clear, concise, happy, helpful and must importantly a great teacher who made the course flow easily. I really enjoyed my time on this course, and hope to continue learning particularly with Elaine, Thank you. :-) Participant, Vertu Motors


Elaine did a fantastic job at building a safe and engaging environment where everyone could feel welcome, express themselves, learn and grow. The balance between knowledge transfer and practice was right, and the training material interesting and appropriate. I'd highly recommend the experience. Participant, Ansys


Elaine was really professional. It was extremely interesting from the beginning till the end of the training! Participant, Intertrust


Elaine was very helpful and flexible teaching us this course, I know it must have not been easy since most don’t speak fluent English, but she has learned Arabic words to make us feel more comfortable, she has also given us the opportunity to express in Arabic for those how aren’t comfortable to speak in front of people Participant sent by the Ministry of Tourism of Saudi Arabia


It's been a very nice and educational journey, team engagement and building the relationship with others was very impressive, the trainer was great, engaging all the team together in a fantastic atmosphere, one of the best trainers I've ever had. Thanks to Elaine. Participant sent by the Ministry of Tourism of Saudi Arabia


This was one of the best experiences in my life, and its impact will remain forever. I have developed a lot during these few days, and I would like to thank Elaine very much for her efforts and compassion. Participant sent by Ministry of Tourism of Saudi Arabia

What they say about both

The trainers (Pete, Elaine) were incredibly encouraging, creating a safe space for each of the participants to grow. The training set up brings each of us out our comfort zone and helps us to realise that that’s an okay place to be. I would highly recommend this course to all of my colleagues. Training Participant


Pete and Elaine are very supportive and great trainers. The course was a huge help. Thank you. Training Participant


Excellent course, brilliant trainers Pete and Elaine. I have learnt so much which I can apply day to day. Thank you so much for the course! Training Participant


Pete and Elaine are fantastic and the course will massively improve my work Training Participant


感谢你们来给我们公司同事做培训,通过三次的培训我拿到好多收获。我要把学到的知识也传递给身边的人,让我们部门的业绩也越来越好。(Translation: Thank you for coming to our company to train us. Through the three trainings, I got many takeaways. I will transfer what I’ve learnt to my colleagues to improve our department’s performance.) Monica Yang, China

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